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Renews an existing SiteLock Order.


Name Data Type Required / Optional Description
auth-userid Integer Required Authentication Parameter
api-key String Required Authentication Parameter
order-id Integer Required The Order ID which is to be renewed
auto-renew Boolean Required

Enables / Disables the Auto Renewal setting for the Order

invoice-option String Required This parameter will decide how the Customer's Invoice will be handled. Values can be: NoInvoice, PayInvoice, KeepInvoice or OnlyAdd.
discount-amount Float Optional Discount amount for the order value.

HTTP Method


Example Test URL Request


Returns a hash map containing the below details:

  • Domain Name (description)

  • Order ID of the SiteLock Order (entityid)

  • Action Type (actiontype)

  • Description of the SiteLock Order Renew Action (actiontypedesc)

  • Action ID of the SiteLock Order Renew Action (eaqid)

  • SiteLock Order Renew Action Status (actionstatus)

  • Description of the SiteLock Order Renew Action Status (actionstatusdesc)

  • Invoice ID of the SiteLock Order Renew Invoice (invoiceid)

  • Selling Currency of the Reseller (sellingcurrencysymbol)

  • Transaction Amount in the Selling Currency (sellingamount)

  • Unutilised Transaction Amount in the Selling Currency (unutilisedsellingamount)

  • Customer ID associated with the SiteLock Order (customerid)

  • Discount Amount (discount-amount)


invoiceid, sellingcurrencysymbol, sellingamount, unutilisedsellingamount and customerid will not be returned if invoice-option is set to NoInvoice.

In case of any errors, a status key with value as ERROR alongwith an error message will be returned.